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Usually, the terms “record industry” or “recording industry,” refer to the network of artists and companies who produce the musical entertainment we download or buy on CDs. In reality, the business of making and selling recordings and recorders also includes much more. For example, we may not think about how Hollywood movies, television, radio, and Read More ...

Recorded sound has become a central part of our culture, affecting the ways we make music and remember the past. The word “culture” refers not only to high culture, such as art, music, and literature, but also to the practices of daily life. Therefore the history of sound recording culture includes not only the history of Read More ...

Sound recording technology actually began before the phonograph, with scientific devices for studying sound waves. Later, sound recording was adapted to allow both recording and reproducing. This opened the door to the most familiar forms of sound recording; the technologies for recording and reproducing music. Recorded music is an issue of great importance, but this Read More ...